Sunday, January 21, 2007

Turning Kicks

I don't know if its because of the long break or something else, but I am having a lot of trouble with my spinning type kicks like tornado kicks or wheel kicks. I seem to have developed a mental block as well. Every time I do it in class, I find myself thinking...I'm acrobatically challenged, you need to be young and flexible to do this...and feeling that I'll have to resign myself to doing them terribly. Rather frustrating, as I'm not sure how to improve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try lifting your knee above your waist, & spin around while focusing on your targets. Don't kick ut. Do this until it feels right, then kick out. Then combine the 2 and dont forget to bend your toes "Back" very important. Try pivoting on your heel if the ball of your foot doesnt work.
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