Monday, February 12, 2007


When I first started, I used to tape up my toes (with tape left over from the jammed toe incident) to avoid this, but the last few months I've decided not to be a wimp, and to toughen up my feet!


Mathieu said...

damn! ouch!

Little Cricket said...

Yeah, its not pretty!

uchi deshi said...

I think there is some stuff you can spray on - liquid callous or something like that. I always carefully tape up any sores like that. I'm too much of a baby to suffer in silence. Get well soon, and wrap that up.

BWTKD said...

I think its called Second skin. but I have found that soaking in Epsom salt after practice, then rubbing in this stuff called "Miracle Foot Lotion" or something works the best.

Good Luck healing those up!


Little Cricket said...

uchi deshi, gordon,

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try procuring some Second Skin / Miracle Lotion.


Mathieu said...

I have horrible feet skin.

all hard, rough. But then again, most of my body is composed of that same skin.

My ex-gf, used to joke that I had crocodile skin as it's pretty hard to cut. I have bruises, not cuts nor shreds.

Everyone has their little problems. :D

Anonymous said...

I used to have such pretty, pedicured feet and manicured hands.

Now it's all changed.

My nails are kept too short for me to take the time to polish them (man, I did some nice manicures), though I still buff them.

I still slather lotion on my feet, but frankly, they've gone to hell.

There's a book called FIXING YOUR FEET. The author, Vonhof, basically says you either go with hard, tough feet or soft, supple feet for training.

I read the book when I was a runner (the author is an ultra-runner). Never thought it'd have anything to do with taekwondo.

Miss Chris said...

Ewww! I've had toes that look like that myself. I remember one time looking down at the blood on the mat wondering whos it was. It was mine!

Little Cricket said...

Yikes! Thank goodness there was no blood! I would really have *freaked* out! Before TKD, I wasn't so good with my skin hanging off either :)